Mission Statement

The Mission of the Arlington Education Foundation is to support Arlington High School graduates in pursuit of their educational goals through the expansion of access to higher education by providing scholarship funds, establishing endowments, partnering to provide assistance in preparing for college application and the financial air process, and the distribution of scholarships to AHS graduates.

Fiscal Goals

Goal One: The Fund

The Arlington Education Foundation (AEF) will build a $1,000,000 fund (the Fund) that will serve as a permanent endowment designed to assist graduating and graduated Arlington High School students access higher education opportunities.

Fund assets will be managed by the AEF Treasurer, or designee, after consulting with the Board of Directors. The AEF will seek a balance between risk and return, and will operate with a bias toward conservative stewardship.

One the initial fund targets have been successfully met, the Board of Directors will not solicit additional funds unless the fun balance drops below the $1,000,000 threshold, or the Board determines it is in the best economic interest of the AEF to seek additional funds.

Goal Two: Fundraising Calendar

It shall be the goal of the Board to achieve $1,000,000 by year nine of the life of the AEF. Once the endowment target is achieved, earnings from the fund will be distributed to eligible students annually, through a process approved by the Board of Directors.

Goal Three: Distribution Calendar

It is the intent of the AEF Board of Directors to distribute scholarships for higher education to Arlington High School graduates in the following manner:

Year One               $1,000

Year Two               $2,000

Year Three            $4,000

Year Four              $6,000

Year Five               $8,000

Year Six                 $10,000

Year Seven            $13,000

Year Eight             $16,000

Year Nine              100% of annual earnings from the Fund.

These distribution targets can be adjusted at any time by the Board of Directors based upon the needs of the AEF.